Freshly Poured

Roslin Glen rapids - Scotland

Roslin Glen rapids

As the sun turns up the temperature we all need access to fresh drinking water, and here in Scotland we have some of the worlds best quality water running freely through our rivers. Heading for a cooling riverside walk is a wonderful escape from the relentless blue skies. Just the sound of running water, and the sight and scent of damp green moss is usually enough to leave my senses feeling refreshed.

Roslin Glen rapids - Scotland

Roslin Glen rapids

Our ancestors knew the value of fresh clean water, and built their homes and settlements close to reliable supplies. With the rising culture of bottled water and piped water supplies in developed countries across the world, this close link with nature has often been lost or forgotten. I was astonished to read that only around 2.5% of all the earths water is fresh, and not all of that is accessible or clean. Once you remove the fresh water tied up in glaciers, snow and ice, and in the soil and rocks, there only 0.01% left in the form of accessible surface water. It really is a precious resource even in water rich countries like Scotland.

Water pool - Roslin Glen, Scotland

Water pool – Roslin Glen

These water filled rocky pools at Roslin are a wonderfully refreshing place to explore on a hot day. The stones are worn smooth by the passage of thousands of years of water, which glitters clear and sweet in the sunlight.

Rock arch to river - Roslin Glen, Scotland

Rock arch to river – Roslin Glen

This cool shadowy passage cuts through the rocks, and steps have been added long ago leading down to a swirling pool in the River. It feels like a magical place where fortunes and luck might have been sought, where the river gods may have been consulted, and where the sweet waters might have been taken as a cure. Light and sound are reflected and bounced into strange patterns in this shady gorge, confusing the senses.

Water Groove Rock - Roslin Glen, Scotland

Water Groove Rock Channel

There are grooves, channels and cups, carved by the water, which invite a second look. These watery rocks seem to refresh not just the senses but the soul and spirit, putting us back into contact with the magic of the earth, and of nature. Resting here we are drawn out of ourselves and into the wider wonders of life pouring freshly through the rocks and soil of our planet. The miracle of fresh water on an orb of cooling rock, spinning through the stars and the unfathomable depths of space.

River Esk Waterfall - Midlothian, Scotland

River Esk Waterfall

Find more refreshingly fresh photos at the weekly photo challenge.
The name Roslin is derived from two Gaelic words. Ross meaning rocky outcrop, and linn meaning waterfall or pool. My translation would be rocky pools, based on the geography. There are Neolithic carvings in the caves of this gorge, so we know people have been drawn here to these atmospheric waters for a long time.

About greenmackenzie

Hi, I'm Seonaid, and I share my home on the shores of Loch Ness deep in the Scottish Highlands with my husband, my son and a couple of dogs. I love art which is here now and gone food and nature...but also have a passion for vintage and the ancient past! Nature is my favourite muse, with her wild ever shifting seasons. I have been using and teaching mindfulness and relaxation for over 12 years, and have yet to become any sort of expert :-) I'm a Psychotherapist and Cancer Support Specialist in Maggies Highlands
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67 Responses to Freshly Poured

  1. Ah, the beauty and power of water – one of the elements I’m most drawn to (as Pisces, of course). I, too, live in a place where water (still) is almost pristine. The streams have the highest level of water purity (a “5” for those who need a number). And some people take it so for granted that they’ll drop trash including car batteries right next to a stream instead of taking it a short distance further to the dump. Never could understand this kind of mindlessness…. There is nothing like a clean stream of water to help us sink into the moment, wash away excess thought, worry, sorrow and just refresh us physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

    • It’s really hard to understand the way some people treat our precious sources of clean fresh water. I can only agree with what you say about the refreshing, and perhaps healing powers of running water.

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Re-”fresh”-ingly Life | Brouhaha Access

  3. Another perfect post – puts me in mind of Norman Maclean’s oft repeated words: Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world’s great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of those rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs. I am haunted by waters.

  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Fresh (A Sheep and a Lamb) | What's (in) the picture?

  5. adinparadise says:

    Your pics are wonderful Seonaid. It must be really refreshing to be able to drink from those clean and fresh water supplies on hot summer days. I love the look of that ‘magical place’.

    • Yes, it really is refreshing, and thanks for the lovely compliment about my photos. It’s a tricky place to capture on camera, but lots of fun trying, along with inevitable wet feet and bottom when stretching into funny angles and watching where I’m going….lost in the lens:-)

  6. dorysworld says:

    Just lovely, cooled me down just looking at your beautiful photos 🙂

  7. Wonderful post, you certainly have the eye to capture paradise! And yes, water is so essential and we just take it for granted… I have always been fascinated about how water can actually shape rocks. The elements at work, with beautiful results.

    • I really love water carved rocks like these….there is something a little mysterious and otherworldly about their super smooth contours. So glad you enjoyed the post, and thanks for leaving such a lovely comment.

  8. aekshots says:

    Always like seeing shots of Scotland, such a beautiful place. Enjoyed the post…well done.

  9. Pingback: Fresh | Zimmerbitch: age is just a (biggish) number

  10. Su Leslie says:

    Lovely photos; and a wonderful post that really fits the theme.

  11. colonialist says:

    Lovely pools. And slurpable without risk of bilharzia, dysentry, or being chomped by hippo or et by crocs!

  12. restlessjo says:

    There are some formidable shots here, Seonaid! Beautiful work. 🙂

  13. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Fresh | Lily Mugford

  14. Hanna says:

    Wish I was there –
    All the best,

  15. Lucid Gypsy says:

    Wonderful photos, I wonder how many people have bent to refresh themselves there 🙂

  16. Amy says:

    Perfect for the theme! Beautiful images of fresh water.

  17. frizztext says:

    hi Seonaid, you’ve composed a wonderful tribute to the busy running waters of Scotland!

  18. Yup. And our precious supplies of water are limited – they are one of the nonrenewable resources. Once we mess up what we’ve got – there isn’t any more. If only more people had the sort of reverence for water as you do – we’d all be better off. By the way, do I sense a slight shift in focus over the last few weeks? From a view from within to one somewhat larger in scope? Perhaps I’m seeing something that doesn’t exist? If it is real – I like it. The earth needs more thoughtful, poetic, spokespersons capable of putting into words what we should all feel about this living world which we all share. D

    • The preciousness of fresh clean water just can’t be over emphasised enough David. Im so glad we are of like minds on this. Veiwing it as sacred was perhaps the best way of keeping it clean.
      As for the shift outwards, its unintentional, but perhaps a result of the shifting season? Summer always seems to pull me out of myself, while winter draws me inwards.

  19. Colline says:

    A lovely collection of shots. The landscape is beautiful.

    • Very kind Colline, I took a while to find the right angles for most of these photos. Its such a beautiful place its sometimes hard to focus in on just a few details 🙂

  20. Pingback: 7-20-13 Weekly Photo Challenge: Fresh | The Quotidian Hudson

  21. ginnietom says:

    no. 4 cool passage is a very big shot…like it
    have a good weekend…

    • Thank you, it was quite hard to get a good angle on this shot, as I wanted the water in the pool at the foot of the passage as well as the length of the tunnel itself….call me greedy 🙂

  22. Longing for Scotland again…fresh water and clear skies. beautifully photographed as usual.. Trekking or hiking and just fill your bottle and drink – I’m so glad we still have that in Sweden too.

  23. Madelaine says:

    Fresh, glorious and so well photographed!

  24. Ese' s Voice says:

    Beautiful and definitely with such a breath of freshness, especially in this hot day 🙂

  25. Beautiful shots and a gentle reminder of how precious our natural resources are – thank you.

  26. Love this post. Too often we forget the most basic. Thanks for the reminder.

  27. Gaye Abbott says:

    AHHHHHH……my favorite sound in the whole world! That of flowing water over rock…. You have captured it so beautifully that I can hear and feel it all the way in Austin, Texas!!

  28. …indeed, freshly poured; I absolutely love the raw, physical beauty in your photos. I am looking at these in the morning and find them to be a real inspiration for today’s morning walk.

    • How wonderful to know that these photos offer inspiration. The place itself inspired me with its raw beauty, so I’m delighted to hear that it came through in the pictures Charlie. Enjoy your walk 🙂

  29. Stephanie says:

    I must come back to Scotland and explore outside the city!

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