Refracted Venice Love

Venice bounces light and love into beautiful soft distortions, from it’s crumbling creamy plaster to its curvy colourful glass. Nothing looks quite the same in Venetian light, and reality and dreams merge into surreal and beautiful forms. These moments are fleeting, drifting into reality for mere moments, to take our breath away, before floating away like balloons on a summer breeze.

It’s so easy to miss these beautiful moments, distracted by our busy minds planning the perfect future. Yet if we pause, holding ourselves still for just a fraction of time, we might catch the beauty hovering at the edges of our awareness. The refracted light, the drifting shadows, never again to be repeated in just that form. The gifts of the present, held on slender threads, in celebration of this beautiful light filled world we live in.

I love the trick of these Venetian glass balloons, drifting skywards past the creamy crumbling plaster and half open shutters, carrying a dreamy pattern of love and reflections, refracted into something unique. So many stories could tumble from these glass hearts, and I almost missed them……

find more refractions at the WP weekly photo challenge

About greenmackenzie

Hi, I'm Seonaid, and I share my home on the shores of Loch Ness deep in the Scottish Highlands with my husband, my son and a couple of dogs. I love art which is here now and gone food and nature...but also have a passion for vintage and the ancient past! Nature is my favourite muse, with her wild ever shifting seasons. I have been using and teaching mindfulness and relaxation for over 12 years, and have yet to become any sort of expert :-) I'm a Psychotherapist and Cancer Support Specialist in Maggies Highlands
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80 Responses to Refracted Venice Love

  1. Mabel Kwong says:

    What a wonderful interpretation of this week’s theme. Those glass balloons look so cheery – how can you not feel happy when you look at them? 🙂 Life indeed has many beautiful moments. We always seem to be in a hurry to finish that next thing, to get that next achievement. But it’s during the journey where we learn the most about ourselves, so we really should slow down and appreciate the finer things and moments around us 🙂

    • Thats so true Mabel, slowing down and appreciating the wonderful things which are already there around us, just waiting for us to notice! And it was impossible not to smile and feel happy looking at the colourful balloons!

  2. ladyfi says:

    Just gorgeous – so glad you didn’t miss this moment. I’m off to Venice in a few days – tralalala!

  3. You are so right when you say, “Nothing looks quite the same in Venice.” Although lots of people suggested it was too dirty a city to visit, we fell in love with its decayed elegance and its dark corners. The light off the balloons is beautiful in your photos.

    • Its funny, I got that reaction too when I mentioned we were going. Lots of people said it would be smelly, but I didnt find that at all. I was swept away by the soft shabby decay encased in impossible elegance. It was a winning combination for us….perhaps you and I just like shabby chique!!

  4. LB says:

    Venetian glass balloons! Love them and your photos!

  5. Beautiful shot, Seonaid. The colors seem really delicate!

  6. lori says:

    Oh my gosh! Those pics gave me goose bumps! How in the world do they float upwards if they’re made of glass?

  7. oxherder says:

    My eyes dance and tickle my brain. Love it. 🙂

  8. Great submission! love the color composition!

  9. Suzanne says:

    How absolutely gorgeous – what a wonderful sight to see.

  10. Absolutely gorgeous photos. I did not see these in Venice – so thank you for sharing with us 🙂

    • They were just a window display in one of hundreds of backstreet shops, probably there for just a few weeks….and I almost missed them myself, distracted by all the watery wonders of canal reflections! Delighted you enjoyed the share 🙂

  11. Leya says:

    How absolutely gorgeous! A wonder they did not break – glass? Beautiful, beautiful shots, Seonaid! I’ve been to Venice only twice – but never did I see them…Looking at the first photo I first thought they were not real, that the photo was put together in twos or something. Unreal!

  12. Such gorgeous images, especially that first one, with all its vivid colours 🙂 And beautiful words, that concept of each of our reflections imprinted on these mere moments, each one held by that strings of ours, or that decision of either holding on to or letting go of our dreams. How true, just love your perspective, in both photographs and life!

    • Jean, its great to hear how much you enjoyed this post, thank you. To hold or to let go….the choice returns to us day after day….but always with endless variations. It was such a gift to stumble upon this beautiful window among the back alleys of Venice, and I’m holding on to the dreams of that day 🙂

  13. Tina Schell says:

    You really nailed this one Seonaid – what a gorgeous collection, beautifully capured and made more wonderful by your text. Great post as always.

    • Thank you Tina….You are always so generous. I loved these shots when I took them, and then its always great when they fit a theme….mind you it took a few attempts before I caught what I was seeing 🙂

  14. says:

    Love love love this 🌷

  15. Lovely! My favorite refraction post. 🙂

  16. Such wisdom .. something we all know, but chose to ignore. “It’s so easy to miss these beautiful moments, distracted by our busy minds planning the perfect future. Yet if we pause, holding ourselves still for just a fraction of time, we might catch the beauty hovering at the edges of our awareness.” This is so true. When I take time to pause I do see the beauty; but, alas, I am so often distracted, as you say, by that perfect future which, I might add, will never be attained. There is so much in that one line of yours. Thanks for creating it. A gem. D

    • Thanks for that David, its always such a treat to get your well considered feedback. That perfect future is such a distraction, and as you say utterly unattainable….and ever receeding goal, like the end of a rainbow 🙂

  17. Andrew Seal says:

    Bravo Seonaid. These photos are a treat 🙂

  18. litebeing says:

    Venice comes from Venus and it is the most beautiful city I have ever visited. Light = love

    in lite,


    • I couldnt agree more, the light was unique and very special, and whole place seemed infused with deep layers of love….and of course romance. It definately swept me away and stole my heart 🙂
      I didnt know the link with Venus, but that makes perfect sense, thank you.

  19. Alexandra says:

    aww, hearts of glass… beautiful!!

  20. Reblogged this on Fiesta Estrella and commented:
    I almost missed them too!

  21. restlessjo says:

    Luscious photos, Seonaid, and I hear you loud and clear on the magic moments. 🙂

    • Oooo….luscious is such a lovely word Jo, thanks 🙂
      Got to keep looking for those magic moments….but you do that each time you go out walking….youre naturally mindful 🙂

  22. Rachael Charmley says:

    Really lovely photos. It shows what a talented photographer you are 🙂

    • Wow Rachael, what a generous comment, thank you!
      These shots still make me smile when I look at them…..but they were tricky to capture….all that glass, all those different reflections and refractions! Its always fun trying, and then when it works out…..a great feeling 🙂

  23. Wow! I feel like opening this post was like getting a gift~ thank you for sharing this beautiful post 🙂

  24. Pingback: Weekly photo challenge: refraction | Jean's Photography Blog

  25. Amy says:

    Great take on! Gorgeous colors and perfect lighting! Love these two photos.

  26. Lucid Gypsy says:

    It would be lovely to buy some, but imagine getting them home! good job you have your photos 🙂

    • Oh I know Gilly. It did cross my mind to buy one, but I couldnt find any price tags, so I allowed my husband to walk me on past the shop empty handed….but with some lovely images. The images are easier to get home in one piece!

  27. Very delicate and beautiful, Seonaid.

  28. suej says:

    These are gorgeous, Seonaid…just right for the challenge

  29. So gorgeous, Seonaid. Really glad you didn’t miss these, as your shots are perfect for the challenge. 🙂

    • I know, its so easy to miss things when you are somewhere new and surrounded by so many wonderful old buildings. It was such a creative window display, but even so amongst the glamour and magic of Venice it had lots of competion for attention!

  30. Colline says:

    These are so beautiful. I love the first photo.

  31. Nelson says:


  32. Just love the idea of glass hearts in a rainbow of colors AND in Venice. 🙂

  33. Laura Bloomsbury says:

    your words have as light a touch as a glass heart ❤

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