Dance of Light

The air all around us is filled with dancing patterns of energy, drunk in greedily by our bodily senses, searching for clues about the world. Each one of our senses is tuned to receive different waves of energy from the air. The sound of a summer breeze brushing through golden dry grass. The taste of salty ocean air on our lips. The soft caress of the movement of the wind across our skins and the sweet scent of flower perfumed clouds. Sight however is the most powerful sense for photographers and artists, and sight relies on light waves dancing and sparkling through the air, and being absorbed by our eyes. The energy of the light is absorbed and reflected by all of the surfaces in the world around us, and this gives us the impression of not only light and shadow but of colour too. We weave the world from the patterns of the light energy being exchanged and difussed around us, and some of these patterns are wildly beautiful. They can uplift us and leave a smile across our lips and sparkle in our eye.

Other dances of light in air can change our mood to something more intimate or evocative. The power of the dance between light and shadow, can be very emotive, echoing times or places we have stood before. There are unconscious clues about the time of year and the hour of the day, whispered from the shadow pools, which can pull in memories and feelings. To capture this dance, is to catch the edges of the magic of memory and emotion. 

 The dance of light through petals and leaves is the dance of our planets life breath. The light glowing and reflecting off petals, paints a mesmerising, dazzling landing zone for flying insects, guiding them down into the flowers soft reproductive organs. Light is the instigator of this very intimate sexual dance between flowers and insects, as they brush closely with each other spreading their pollen love freely. While the light glowing through and absorbed into leaves, is the exchange of breath which keeps us alive. To see and capture the dance of light among flowers and trees, is to witness the secret heart of our living breathing planet, upon whom we all rely.
 The dance of light in air, is a magical ever shifting feast for our eyes and our souls. Let your soul be swept away with wild abandon into the pools of light and shadow and the bold splashes of colour. Get lost among the enchantments and sparkle of light filled air, and if you’re really lucky capture a heart moving photograph to share with the rest of us. Life is all about the light, and the light is all about feeling.
This is the part 2 of my response to this weeks WP photo challenge, dance.

Find part 1, the Dance of Life, here.

About greenmackenzie

Hi, I'm Seonaid, and I share my home on the shores of Loch Ness deep in the Scottish Highlands with my husband, my son and a couple of dogs. I love art which is here now and gone food and nature...but also have a passion for vintage and the ancient past! Nature is my favourite muse, with her wild ever shifting seasons. I have been using and teaching mindfulness and relaxation for over 12 years, and have yet to become any sort of expert :-) I'm a Psychotherapist and Cancer Support Specialist in Maggies Highlands
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69 Responses to Dance of Light

  1. Seonaid, a treat to visit your poetic writing and stunning images again. They seem to keep getting stronger and stronger. And then there is isle of Skye, from reading through your posts, it’s a place I must visit one day. It reminds me of Iceland and Ireland in a great mix 🙂

  2. Another magical post. I love the way the light dances for you and your camera. 🙂 It’s a real love affair.

  3. Such glorious images! Beautiful examples of dances with light xx

  4. LB says:

    Seonaid, it would be easy to view these images as the sum of one post. However, each individually, are incredible (As is the fire image from Part 1).
    The sun and shadows in the second image made me sigh out loud, and the color of that poppy, glowing in the light, is stunning. The sparkling of the water in the 1st image and the beauty of the sunset in the last, round out this post beautifully.

    • Laura, thanks so much for taking the time to write about each of the images. I really appreciate that you took the time to dwell a little on each one.
      They had all been languishing rather unloved and unseen, so it was a great excuse to weave them into one post😊💕

  5. Andy Smart says:

    I love the way you write. Its like you manage to embrace the universe and captivate the reader all at the same time. Passionate and absorbing. Nice!

  6. gwynnrogers says:

    I have been without a computer for a week so I am only now catching up with the various posts that I have missed. I do chuckle as your dance of light with the flowers and the insects throws me immediately into the romance of the birds and the bees. Nature can be thrilling and sexual too… I love the intimacy of nature and your pictures. You have done an excellent job of depicting life with its’ dance of passion! 😉 Thanks for your descriptive and beautiful words too!

    • Gwynn indeed, the birds and the bees are an apt metaphor for one of the most important dances of life….creation of the new😜💕I hope your house clearing and moving is going smoothly Xx

  7. bmgphoto says:

    Stunning sunset.

  8. Am out-of-town at the moment but couldn’t wait to get home to tell you how much I enjoyed reading this second chapter to your heart-felt poem about light. Nice. D

  9. restlessjo says:

    You rose to the challenge beautifully, Seonaid. Wishing you the happiest Easter! 🙂

  10. Your dance of light is a beauty to behold …

  11. ladyfi says:

    Wow wow wow – spectacular!

  12. paulcarlos says:

    So love your words & images, really beautiful

  13. Suzanne says:

    Such a beautiful post Seonaid. Your writing weaves a spell. The third paragraph is particularly powerful. I also took note of the subtle way you have watermarked your images and will learn from that. I have posted a link to your site to another blog who commented on my recent post too as she wanted to know how to create watermarks. I hope that is ok with you.

    • What a lovely thing to say Suzanne, and yes of course it’s fine to create a link😊 I find if I don’t watermark images they get pinched and used without any credit given to me!!

      • Suzanne says:

        Yes, the blog post I wrote is drawing out a lot of feedback in support of your position. Someone just said it helps to make images such low resolution it is hard to reproduce them.

  14. A truly magical post, Seonaid. I love your writing. Such beautiful thoughts just seem to flow into your fingers as you type. The dance of light in your photos is delightful. 🙂

  15. Beautiful photographs!

  16. Beautiful. I love this blog. Thanks, Seonaid for letting me see things through your eyes.

  17. Pingback: 7-Day Nature Photo: Day 5 and Cee’s Outdoor Seating | The World Is a Book...

  18. the light and subtle colors in your last picture are particularly mesmerizing to me. I enjoyed your musings on light captured through various senses and surfaces.

  19. Alexandra says:

    omg, these images are so beautiful…the light, the mood… so real, yet so dreamy at the same time… I’m becoming a big fan of your photos and your perception of the world around… ♥

    • Alexandra that’s such a heart warming and generous comment. Thank you, it’s always thrilling to think that something we create is enjoyed by others💕 I also love that you love my emotional view of the world✨😊✨

  20. Bipasha says:

    Lovely collection 👍

  21. Heartafire says:

    A perfect title for this gallery! Glorious photographs! ❤

  22. I loooovvve your gallery!
    Your photos are so dramatically beautiful.

  23. Amy says:

    Breathtaking!! “The dance of light through petals and leaves is the dance of our planets life breath.” I will remember this beautiful line. 🙂 Thank you!!

  24. Beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing.

  25. Dina says:

    What a wonderful way to start my day. Stunning images.

  26. Lucid Gypsy says:

    Wouldn’t a Breath of Green Air book be wonderful?

  27. Mary says:

    Gorgeous images that are magical and elegant – your writing is amazing, nuggets that should be treasured.

  28. Extra-special rendering of light and of your thoughts–thank you for sharing it all.

  29. Trini Lind says:

    Oh my goodness what a beautiful poetic post!! And with amazing photos!! 💖💖💖💖💖

    • That’s such a lovely comment Trinni. These images had been languishing unused and neglected, while I tried to think of words to warp around them….the dance of light was a great wrapping😆✨💕

  30. Su Leslie says:

    “To capture this dance, is to catch the edges of the magic of memory and emotion.” What a wonderful line. These are gorgeous images, hung together with thoughtful, lyrical prose.

  31. Maverick ~ says:

    Gorgeous images of light.

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