The Birth of Magic

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There’s a hill, just beyond the hill behind the last hill you can see, rolling away into the distance. On the breast of this hill magic is brewed each and every day. It rises in soft white and purple clouds into the sky above the hill, and spills out from here across the land, carried on the soft breeze. The breeze breathes magic across the green earth, and draws it back into the hill at the end of each day, as the sun passes her power to the moon. If you follow the path of the clouds you will find the gate which separates the home of magic from the rest of the earth.

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Not many people pass this way, and the path is overgrown, but don’t be fooled. You’re on the right path, and through the lush ferns and the tall grass the oak gate guards the entrance. Strange shadows and light dance across the space, and if you whisper the words just behind the tip of your tongue, the gate between worlds will swing open, inviting you through.

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If you walk deeper and deeper beneath the twisted arms of the oaks, following the sparkling light and the bells of silence, you will come to the pool where magic is birthed. There’s a strange silence, which is filled with sound, and strange shadows filled with light, which pour out from this mystical pool. Everything is tinged and infused with the green light of the earth and all her wild magic. Fairies ride dragonflies with iridescent wings and glittering blue bodies, and mice with spiderweb reins carry will-o-the-wisps all around the edges. Butterflies with rainbow filled wings tumble out of the water and pour into the world among the clouds of magic. Every beautiful surprise you ever imagined was born here.

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Behind the pool lies the circular temple of form and image, where the magic takes shape. Within the carved pillars, shapes and patterns are dreamed and born, and sometimes the power of the magic cracks the clouds and lightning spills through. The clouds here are tinged with purple, and the ground trembles. When you leave be sure to close the gate behind you or else the magic will escape and follow you home, living within your shadow twinkling with mischief.

magic clouds over gate and ferns.jpg

About greenmackenzie

Hi, I'm Seonaid, and I share my home on the shores of Loch Ness deep in the Scottish Highlands with my husband, my son and a couple of dogs. I love art which is here now and gone food and nature...but also have a passion for vintage and the ancient past! Nature is my favourite muse, with her wild ever shifting seasons. I have been using and teaching mindfulness and relaxation for over 12 years, and have yet to become any sort of expert :-) I'm a Psychotherapist and Cancer Support Specialist in Maggies Highlands
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62 Responses to The Birth of Magic

  1. A book, Seonaid, I tell ya!! 🙂
    It’s like reading a poem, poetic energy flowing through every word and between every line! Many lines of resonance. Utterly beautiful writing sitting along side wonderful photos. AS said before, must go there one day!
    Till then, all the best to you!

  2. says:

    I feel the magic!

  3. k. a. gardner says:

    You did not close the gate as the magic has followed you home. Wonderful!

    • Oh. Sorry for the double comment – I guess computer troubles… But it gives me a chance to ask, what is the circular temple?

      • It’s an old Victorian Orangerie in the grounds of Dalkeith Palace ( where all the shots are taken). So it was heated by a huge coal furnace, and they grew oranges, pineapples and other exotic fruits for the table, but also hosted tea parties with music within the glass filled walls 🙂

  4. karen g. says:

    You didn’t close the gate as the magic has followed you home. Wonderful!

  5. Wonderful writing, Seonaid. This mysterious place sounds so magical. How I would love to see fairies riding “dragonflies with iridescent wings and glittering blue bodies, and mice with spiderweb reins carry will-o-the-wisps all around the edges.” I agree with Jo………you really should write a book. xx

    • Well I have a few stories rolling around in my head trying to escape onto paper, so I’ll let you know if I ever finish them 🙂
      Thanks for the encouraging generous comment!

  6. restlessjo says:

    Let the ‘bells of silence’ ring out! Magical writing, Seonaid.
    Are you writing a book? You should! 🙂

  7. Tina Schell says:

    Charming Seonaid! Rather Rowlings-like on this one. I enjoyed the stroll 🙂

    • Perhaps Rowlings is inspired by the same local muse….she’s just along the road!
      I was walking with the lovely daughter of a friend who had just got her first DSLR which she had been longing for….I was showing her how to use the manual settings….and these were the shots I took in the process 🙂

  8. ladyfi says:

    You captured the realm of magic! Gorgeous.

  9. icelandpenny says:

    Powerful, evocative, with images that dance with the words. This connects seamlessly with a concept, and one particular painting, in the current “Before and After the Horizon” exhibition at the AGO, works by modern/contemporary Anishinaabe artists (the First Nations clustered around the Great Lakes). Horizon is the zone of transition among the world, where magic flows. I stand there, mesmerized by one work in particular.

    • Sounds like a wonderful exhibition Penny….any pictures of it for your blog?
      I always feel very attuned to the ways that indigenous people across the earth see and feel nature and the planet. I suppose we are indigenous to Britain, and I do feel the voices of the ancestors whispering through the cracks in the earth here 🙂

      • icelandpenny says:

        Unfortuntely I can’t show any photos because in this particular exhibition (not in the AGO in general), photography is forbidden. If you visit and click on Exhibitions, you can scroll to and click on “Before and After the Horizon” and see just one photo, but read more about the show. I wish they included more photos, because the works are wonderful. Grr!

  10. poppytump says:

    .. I tiptoed through the gate and closed it quietly …. lovely magical feelings here to revel in Seonaid .

  11. ashland1977 says:

    Stunning and Beautiful

  12. gwynnrogers says:

    I so truly love the beautiful word pictures you paint of the fairy world. I’m convinced Dianna Gabaldon walked through those gates to take her readers back into time. I look to see your fairies flitting around through the flora and fauna. Thank you for painting such a fascinating and lovely picture.

  13. You still hold in your hands the gift of imagination which so many people lose in the transition from childhood to adulthood. You are so fortunate not to have lost it!

  14. londoncab53 says:

    Once again you take us away to a beautiful place! Thank you

  15. Robin says:

    What a marvelous, enchanting post, Seonaid. Your images and words are so beautiful, and I can feel the magic through them. Thank you. 🙂

  16. So, that’s where magic comes from … I’ve wondered, now I know for sure. You know, I don’t believe it’s possible, once I begin to read something like this, for me to stop before reaching the end. Your ‘fanciful’ stores are always so engaging. D

    • Indeed, now you know for sure…..a little green pool in the Scottish lowlands 🙂
      It’s lovely to hear that my fanciful whimsies are engaging enough to hold your attention….that makes me smile a lot 🙂

      • Totally .. for sure. If you were to write an extended history of the origins of magic and fairies (something like Tolkein’s, the Silmarillion) I be the first in line to purchase a copy (only if it were already illustrated with your always evocative photos). D

  17. Leya says:

    Magic is essential in life…and you seem to have the gift of transmitting it – over and over again. Wonderful!

  18. Magic indeed in these scenes, Seonaid. Beautiful.

    • Thank you…the light was wonderful spilling through the clouds….but the green pool was a surprising and special find 🙂
      There was a wonderful herd of heritage baby pigs who had broken through their fence just beside the pool, and their squeals and grunts added to the magic as they fled before us, squeezing back through the railings towards their mother…..didn’t catch a good photo though!

      • I’ll bet the sounds stay with you though just like a photograph would. One of the things I remember most about a whale watching trip isn’t captured on film, it’s the sounds of the whales blowing air as they swam around us. Amazing.

  19. Suzanne says:

    Ah – I’m breathing that magical air right now and looking into the pool where magic is birthed. Thank you. 🙂

  20. Amy says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and stunning photos!

    • Amy, what a generous comment, thank you…..I loved the clouds and the light this day and was looking for a way to share. I was walking with the beautiful daughter of a friend and trying to teach her the basics of how to use her new DSLR camera on the manual setting…..

  21. Mjollnir says:

    Lovely 😀

  22. Rachael Charmley says:

    It was as if you took me by the hand and led me there – which you did. Thank you ❤

  23. Colline says:

    His reads like part of a story. Enjoyed reading this piece.

  24. Glorious, breath-taking walk into the magical realm,Seonaid. Thank you.

  25. Lucid Gypsy says:

    A sharp intake of breath when you took me through that gate, thanks Seonaid this is wonderful!

  26. Gaye Abbott says:

    This post made me smile and tingle with the magic of life in every single moment…..

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