Live for the Moment

The phrase ‘Live for the Moment’ encapsulates much of what we are trying to achieve when living mindfully. The idea being to move away from living in our minds and our thoughts about both the past and the future, and instead to focus on what is actually happening around us in our life right now. A good technique is to shift away from thinking, and to move back towards our senses, and what our body is telling us is happening around us in this moment.  Feeling the breath moving in and out of your body, feeling the breeze across your skin and seeing the colours and shapes of the landscape around us are perfect mindful practices. For me, getting out into the beauty of nature, and walking through it with the dogs is my favourite mindfulness practice. It can free the mind from endless cycles of worry, guilt or long to do lists, and instead opens a space for pleasure and joy.

This painted stone sits on the top of Berwick Law, itself a prominent pyramid shaped hill lying in the flat rolling fields of East Lothian, on the edge of the Firth of Forth. It was a beautiful gift to turn and see the words after the steep uphill climb as I stood finding my breath again. It seemed that Molly was showing me the message, and it brought a smile to my lips. What was even more poignant was to discover later that the words had been painted by a young man I knew who had died from his cancer the previous year. He had painted these words in all sorts of places while living his last year of life as fully as possible. Finding the joy and beauty in our lives and the world around us can be as simple as this message. Chose to shift your focus and come back into the lived moment, this moment, this breath. Look around you with curious eyes and notice what has been sitting waiting patiently for you to find.

You can find more words and letters at this weeks WP Photo Challenge.

About greenmackenzie

Hi, I'm Seonaid, and I share my home on the shores of Loch Ness deep in the Scottish Highlands with my husband, my son and a couple of dogs. I love art which is here now and gone food and nature...but also have a passion for vintage and the ancient past! Nature is my favourite muse, with her wild ever shifting seasons. I have been using and teaching mindfulness and relaxation for over 12 years, and have yet to become any sort of expert :-) I'm a Psychotherapist and Cancer Support Specialist in Maggies Highlands
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55 Responses to Live for the Moment

  1. Pingback: Stress Reduction: 5 Tips on Taming your Stress Monster | breathofgreenair

  2. A wonderful bit of advice to guide anyone’s journey.

  3. Wise words and a lovely photograph. Walking is one of my favourite ways to switch off from any worries, engage with the natural world and live for the moment. It sounds as though this young man thought so too. It looks like you had a lovely sunny day for your walk and I’ll bet you got a great view from Berwick Law, one of my favourite places in East Lothian!

    • He did Karen, and so do I….usually with my three hairy dogs in tow! Nature is the best remedy for almost anything…. You have some beautiful images of Scotland on your site💕

      • Thanks Seonaid. I’m delighted you’re enjoying the photographs. You’re absolutely right. I always feel better after a walk, no matter how short, even in wet weather. I’m looking forward to the longer days when we can spend a little less time in front of our computers and a lot more time in the outdoors!

  4. restlessjo says:

    Living on the brink with cancer is pretty sure to teach that message, Seonaid. Very sad! I hope he made the most of what he had. I feel bad now for not wanting to go walking this morning. The skies were grey and miserable and, when we got there, the paths like skating rinks. But you had to smile and make the most of it 🙂 Lucky to be able to!

  5. Leya says:

    Molly knew what she was doing…and she looks very satisfied with it. Dogs are happy creatures! A kiss to Molly from Totti ♥

  6. If more would learn to live for the moment within the Now.. how much more beautiful life would be enriched.. So many live in the past and yearn for the future and miss the many blessings of being in their NOW moments..

    Beautiful Post… Love and blessings
    Sue ❤

  7. A special post .. And you are so right. It has to be about now .. Probably why I adore getting out in my garden .. I can lose myself for hours out there. Happy Molly

  8. Ahhh …. ’twere so easy. Thanks for reminding us the importance of this simple precept. Molly looks to have thoroughly adopted it. She looks happy , at peace, and as if she enjoys the feel of the breeze blowing through her coat. D

  9. pommepal says:

    Knowing the story behind this memorial makes it very special.

  10. Pingback: Alphabet (T for Tea) | Chris Breebaart Photography / What's (in) the picture?

  11. Sue says:

    Sensible words…. And love your Molly!

  12. Thank you for this post. I feel like it is a gift written especially for me (and all your other readers). I’m exhausted right now because I didn’t sleep well last night worrying about something I have absolutely no control over. Live for the moment – thank you for the wonderful reminder. 🙂

  13. Oh that’s a wonderful post for the challenge 😀 Love your dogs!!

  14. gwynnrogers says:

    Ohhhhh I SO needed this reminder!! Thank you for your beautiful synchronistic message!! And yes, walking the waterfront helps me clear my brain and refocus… ahhhhh!! 😉

  15. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on living for the moment. Through your photo and words, you give us the opportunity to stop, to stop running through life and reflect on the moment. Much needed.
    Molly is adorable, looking straight into the camera. Lovely!

  16. Caro Woods says:

    This is lovely Seonaid! We can learn so much from our animals who are very good at living in the moment. x

  17. What an inspiring message, Seonaid, and all the more meaningful when one realises the young author’s situation. Love the way Molly was showing it to you. Beautiful image. 🙂

  18. Dina says:

    Lovely post! A nose kiss and a hug for adorable Molly! ❤

  19. Lucid Gypsy says:

    What a generous young man to leave those inspiring words behind, very touching Seonaid!

  20. LightWriters says:

    love that doggy!! 🙂

  21. Amy says:

    Love this take on! Milky knows better than some of us. 💖💕

  22. Very inspirational and Molly is looking wonderful!

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